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Google celebrates Singapore's 58th birthday with new Doodle featuring Clarke Quay

Google celebrates Singapore's 58th birthday with new Doodle featuring Clarke Quay

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Singapore celebrated its 58th birthday yesterday and Google joined in on the celebrations with a special Google Doodle featuring Singapore's iconic Clarke Quay.

The Doodle celebrates when Singapore officially gained independence from the Federation of Malaysia and became a sovereign nation. 

Clarke Quay, a historical riverside quay, played a pivotal role in Singapore’s history. Situated along the Singapore River, the quay used to house warehouses that facilitated mercantile activity since the country’s pre-independence years. Today, with its restored shophouses in pastel, Clarke Quay has been transformed into a scenic district with vibrant nightlife.

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According to Google, the Doodle’s red frame is inspired by the city-state’s red and white national flag, which decorates homes and buildings leading up to and during the celebratory period.

In anticipation of National Day, Google Doodle also launched an adorable Doodle of Singapore's favourite otters earlier this week, particularly, those that can be found in Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park.

According to Google Doodle, Singapore is the top country in the world that has searched for otters online in the past year and that it is why it decided to celebrate this year with a drawing of the furry creatures.

"Today’s Google Doodle celebrates the smooth-coated otters who have become a popular sight and a mainstay in Singapore’s ecosystem," said Xiuxian Ho, Google Singapore's communications manage.

"These furry creatures are a representation of the nation’s diverse biodiversity, and our efforts in creating an environment where humans and wildlife are able to coexist harmoniously. Above all, it is also a reminder of the need to prioritise protection and conservation of Singapore’s natural heritage as we push forth as a City in Nature,” she said. 

To honour these creatures and to celebrate how they have become woven in Singapore culture over the years, Google Doodle not only released the adorable Doodle on it search page but released a helpful guide to help more people make otter sightings across the island. 

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