Burger King SG dishes out cheesy Spotify playlist to entice 18 to 25 year olds
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Nacho day? Don’t fret, Burger King Singapore has curated a cheesy playlist on Spotify to promote the launch of its BBQ Cheesy Trio burger. The songs put together by the Burger King team were meant to be “cheesy” and expressions of sweet moments shared between one another. However, at the same time, the playlist is also for fans and everyone to “let their guard down and melt down to the music”.
The playlist titled "BK BBQ Cheesy Trio medley" features a series of "cheesy" love songs such as "You and Me", "Wonderful Tonight", "Take My Breath Away", "Say You Won’t Let Go", “I Wouldn’t Know Any Better Than You”, "One Call Away", “Slow Dancing in A Burning Room” and many others. Feeling the love yet?
Speaking to Marketing, Irene Tay, marketing director at Burger King Singapore said during circuit breaker, more people are listening to music at home, and with the lifting of circuit breaker measures next week, usage of Spotify is expected to increase as students head back to school. Instead of pure advertising, the BK team decided to create a playlist of cheesy songs as a fun way to engage and entice consumers.
According to Tay, this is the first time the Singapore team has come up with a music playlist. The overall campaign and playlist was done in collaboration with Bread Butter Bacon and Havas Media Singapore. Burger King Singapore aims to target those aged 18 to 25 onwards who love “big flavours and cheesy trends”, PMEBS (working adults with families, mid to high spending power), those craving for fast food, as well as potential new customers who are fans of music but may not be fans of fast food. Other than Spotify ads, Burger King will be pushing out engagement posts on social to encourage fans to access to playlist. By doing so, one will also be able to unlock goodies that can be redeemed on the BK app.
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With everyone working from home and well, staying grounded at home, brands have been experimenting with various ways to connect with their target audience. Similar to Burger King’s playlist approach, brands such as Sentosa and Skyscanner have also curated special playlists for all to sit back and enjoy.
Meanwhile, Spotify too rolled out Singapore-specific playlists to groove to whilst in the comfort of our homes. Featuring homegrown artists such as Benjamin Kheng, Fariz Jabba, Jasmine Sokko to name a few, the playlists themes include "Causeway Trends", "Rising 65" and "Garden Essentials". Boon Ken Wong, Asia team lead, Music Culture and Editorial, Spotify, said the music streaming platform is focused on helping fans discover more Singaporean artists, genres and songs and to connect local talents to fans in Singapore and beyond.
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