#PRAwards highlight: How OMO Matic brought back greenery to Vietnam
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Emerging champion in the category of "Best Use of Content" at Marketing's and A+M's PR Awards 2020 is OMO Matic and its agency BIZ-EYES. Winning the gold award with its campaign "OMO Lupin (Greener for Vietnam)", the detergent brand looked to highlight the environment issues faced by the country, and get people planting trees. Let's dive deeper into the campaign that won the judges' approval.
A survey conducted by Yale University based on WHO and NASA data 2016 showed that Vietnam ranked 10 out of 180 countries on the highest pollution level in the world. Across key cities, environmental awareness is the center of attention, prompting heated talks. Such context offered OMO Matic a great opportunity but also a great challenge of how the brand can create a cut-through initiative that manifests brand DNA as well as captures the target audience’s attention amid the clutter of branded environmental-awareness campaigns.
The brand had also launched a new nature range which is tough on stains while containing natural ingredients with science and technology to give the perfect solution for every laundry need. It’s time for OMO Matic to bring back the green playground and involve kids to participate in this movement. Through this CSR campaign, OMO Matic aimed to associate OMO Matic as a brand that supports the good impact towards the environment. From that, the brand can generate a better conversion for their product selection and purchase.
The communication objectives of the campaigns were to create the biggest hype regarding tree-planting for consumers, as well as to associate OMO and its partners as brands and organisations that help create positive impact on the environment.
OMO Matic looked to target mothers who belong to the Generation Y. These mothers grew up with playgrounds filled with trees and many folk games, and are now concerned with their children's outdoor playgrounds which are lack of greenery and is invaded by polluted smog from urbanisation. They are also parents who want to play with their children outdoor but are afraid that the heat and polluted air will affect their health.
Hence OMO Matic’s key message for the campaign is “Plant tree, grow experience”. It aims to convey that trees are magical wonders of childhood, and under their shade, so many stories are unfolded, games played, memories made. When trees are gone, so will be the experiences. It also looks to build mass-scale attention to the environment and about the urgency to plant trees and grow experience.
Its PR strategy in this campaign is to offer opportunities for families to play and plant a tree together, and appear as a brand that encourages “good-for-nature” experience. Meanwhile, promoting the image that OMO Matic will help remove tough stain for no hesitation on experience.
Strong content was defined as a key winning factor for OMO Matic to engage various partners from mainstream media, social influencers, NGOs, to local communities to join the campaign. OMO Matic and BIZ-EYES created a series of different content hooks throughout the campaign to continuously excite media and consumers then motivate each of them to use their own approach in their own channel to spread out the message
OMO Matic and BIZ-EYES used various channels such as integrated PR channels with mainstream, social media, out-of-home (OOH) Banner, activation and campaign microsite. They also committed to planting 33,000 trees and build 11 green playgrounds across Vietnam, as well as one green heart-shaped area in Hanoi.
Running from 4 September to 4 October, the campaign was split into two phases:
Phase 1: OMO Matic alert: “NO TREE, NO EXPERIENCE”
People had forgot about the importance of tree to the experiences of childhood, and OMO Matic picked on that insight to launch the campaign with a PR stunt exposing contrast visuals of the playgrounds with tree compared to without tree, with the tagline “TRỐNG CÂY, TRỐNG TRẢI NGHIỆM (no tree, no experience)” across all media channels. The stunt created a strong impression on media, key opinion leaders (KOLs) and consumers. It reminded them about their childhood when playgrounds were covered in green shade. But with the loss of trees, there is no experience, only unwanted threats lurking around.
The stunt saw media joining the topic and starting to raise questions about trees missing in the city and how importance trees were to family’s experiences. It also sparked discussions among community facebook pages such as “We are Saigon”, “Human of Hanoi”, and “Hanoi’s stories”. True stories of people who lived on Saigon city’s streets such as coffee vendors, bikers, street cleaners also added different points of view in order to remind people on how important tree was to life and triggered social sharing and engagement.
OMO Matic and BIZ-EYES also collaborated with travel vlogger Chan La Cà to create a viral clip “Stories beneath the trees” to tell about dreams and experiences of real people living under the trees across Vietnam. The clip ended with an open question: “what if there’s no tree left?”
Phase 2: Call people to join hands with OMO Matic to “plant trees, grow experience”
When “No tree, no experience” became a hot topic of every media channel, OMO Matic encouraged people to join hand to plant tree, grow experience. With every product bought, OMO Matic would plant a tree to restore the green playground for children. The brand also hosted a social challenge “Plant tree, grow experience” by encouraging people to draw trees with the campaign hashtag #planttreegrowexperience on social media. With each green tree drawing with hashtag publicly shared on Facebook by consumers, OMO Matic contributed VND5,000 to the Fund Greening Vietnam.
Singer Jun Phạm, MC Quang Bảo, and actor Võ Điền Gia Huy voluntarily livestreamed to call their fans to join and contribute with OMO for planting trees as well.
Additionally, two press conferences were held in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city to officially kick off the activity of planting trees, building green playgrounds for children throughout Vietnam. OMO Matic announced the “Greener for Vietnam” plan:
- Plant “A Green Heart” in the centre of Hanoi
- Plant 33,000 trees and build playgrounds in 11 big cities & provinces throughout Vietnam
OMO Matic co-operated with edutainment channel WeDo to produce useful activities for kids such as tree-planting class, to help children get right awareness about the environment.
The campaign achieved 134,054 total discussions, 3,386 content generated by consumers and a perfect sentiment score – 1 (100% positive) and ranked at the top three campaigns in Buzzmetrics Social Index of September 2019. The campaign also achieved a high rate of earned media from PR, and managed to:
- Raise awareness about the importance of trees and green playground towards our target audience and the community and helped parents realize the urgency for planting trees for their children, measured by 20 TV news, 71 online news, 71 social posts with 765,000 engagements.
- Engage consumers from online to offline to join hands with OMO Matic in planting trees with 2,400 people drawing trees, contributing 12,000,000 VND to the fund.
- Receive huge support and contribution from media outlets from online newspapers to TV (20 TV news and 71 online news).
In terms of communication value, the campaign achieved 1,086,500,000 VND (media value) with ROI reaching 412%.
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