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Specially-designed emojis for designers working from home

Specially-designed emojis for designers working from home

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With most countries implementing social distancing measures, working from home is a common trait running across the world now. However, it has its unintended consequences as well. Working from home has led to an unclear distinction between work and personal life for most people. According to Bloomberg, there is a link between working remotely and having longer work hours. It is added that people are overworked, stressed, and feel like they are unable to escape from work.

This seems particularly so for designers. In light of this, US-based creative agency &Walsh has created 375 emoji specifically for designers during this period. "Frustrated by the limitations of the current emoji set, we created a suite of emojis inspired by the unique experiences we go through as designers, and people living through 2020," the agency said, adding that the emoji packs are 100% free. 

The emoji packs are made available on various platforms such as WhatsApp, iMessage, Slack and email. Marketing has reached out to &Walsh for additional information.

Meanwhile, here are some of the emojis the agency designed that caught our eye:

1. No sleep tonight

01 walsh feedback

2. Feedback

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3. COVID-19 warrior

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4. Working till death

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5. Therapy sessions included in invoices

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6. When clients say they are paying you in 'exposure'

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7. All the different software needed

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8. The haunting of deadlines

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9. Send help

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10. 'Work from home' or 'Weep from home'?

01 walsh feedback

11. A zombie worker

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12. Person with eyebags

01 walsh feedback

Although these packs are made for designers, it seems like the rest of us can relate to one or two of them as well. Did you find any of them relatable? Let us know at!

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