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SAS calls out SGAG video portraying security officers as 'buffoons'

SAS calls out SGAG video portraying security officers as 'buffoons'

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The Security Association Singapore (SAS) has requested that the NTUC Union of Security Employees (USE) take down an SGAG video commissioned by USE that depicts two security officers as unqualified due to complaints of the video perpetuating certain stereotypes.

In the video posted on 24 April 2024, two security officers are being briefed by a condominium’s managing agent on their first day on the job. One asks if they can leave the room unattended to shoot people and the agent says, “you don’t even have a gun, how to shoot people?”, the other officer writes on a note pad, “get a gun”.

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As the briefing continues with more questions between the trio in a comedic manner, someone breaks into the building and when they want to call security, they realise that they are the building’s security. The video then ends with an officer drawing a gun on a notepad when he was supposed to draw a weapon to fend off the intruder.

The video is still up on its Instagram page according to checks by MARKETING-INTERACTIVE at the time of writing. 

SAS said in a statement:

SAS objects to the portrayal of security officers as buffoons who do not even know how to carry out their basic functions

“SAS and tripartite partners have made significant efforts to uplift the image of security officers and the work they do. Official support for videos like these derogates from our efforts and promotes the incorrect image of security officers,” SAS explained.

As the video draws attention to the improved working conditions of security officers who now enjoy higher pay and have to work fewer hours, SAS took offence to the phrases “employers tekan officers” that insinuated unfair treatment in the security industry.

In response, USE has maintained support for the video that helped it achieve its outcomes to raise awareness of the intent of the progressive wage model and for officers or agencies to report any non-compliance to them.

“We reiterate that most of our conversations with agencies have been positive and slightly more than 10 cases of non-compliance have been reported to us thus far,” said the USE in a statement.

The USE also said that the complaint against the video may be a "red herring" as they have collaborated with different content creators for different forms of content.

“We have always applied a light touch with content creators as we believe they know their audiences well and thus know how best to help get our messages across,” added the USE.

“This is our second collaboration with SGAG with the same actor portraying a security officer. We thus find the complaint about this second video odd, given that the SAS or its exco did not find fault with the first,” they explained.

SGAG has also responded to the situation and have said that they have received the feedback from SAS and have taken it seriously as the company is continues to work in close conversation with USE.

"SGAG has always taken a light-hearted approach when it comes to partnerships with agencies and brands because we believe that humour is one of the most powerful and effective tools to get messages across to the audience," said a representative from SGAG in conversation with MARKETING-INTERACTIVE.

"We are aligned that SGAG’s video has served its purpose of raising awareness of the intent of the progressive wage model, and for officers or agencies to report to USE any instances of non-compliances," the representative added.

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