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MCMC to investigate copycat social media posts spreading false information on domestic prices

MCMC to investigate copycat social media posts spreading false information on domestic prices

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Communication and digital minister, Fahmi Fadzil has said that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) will be investigating copycat social media posts that are spreading unverified information to the public.

On Twitter, Fahmi responded to a tweet by the user @KulupFans that uploaded a compilation of eight screenshots of Facebook posts that contained falsehoods about the supposed rise in prices of groceries.

Don't miss: Minister Fahmi Fadzil debunks claims concerning price hike for consumer goods

He said that the sentences are all similar and that such acts of coordinated inauthentic behaviour were against the country's communication rules and regulations in the tweet that has garnered a million views, as seen by A+M.

fahmi tweet

The social media posts contained a plain colored background with text saying that groceries used to cost RM200 a month and that now they cost RM500.

While Facebook pages that have been affected by the copycat posts largely include publications Negeri Sembilan Kini and Kosmo Online, personal user accounts were not spared as well.

The spread of false information has also been taken note of by the Malaysian Ministry of Health (KKM) who has advised the public to stop sharing the viral social media post regarding socks that are able to improve an individual’s health.

In a tweet seen by A+M, KKM stated that the individuals responsible for the post stated that KKM promised to give customers refunds if the products do not work which may lead to confusion among the community as KKM has not certified the product.

fake socks

KKM strongly urged the public to be careful when sharing posts on social media by fact-checking information on reliable platforms and to not be easily deceived.

Additionally, KKM has also threatened the perpetrators with legal action under Sections 211 and 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, for having distributed false information containing misunderstandings and untrue content with a specific purpose for the sole purpose of profit.

Both cases of the spread of false information come in the wake of the Malaysian government's anticipated announcement of streamlined national cyber security ecosystem policies on 19 July as Malaysia recalibrates and restructures its cyber security governance according to a report by The Star.

In Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's speech, read by Deputy Prime Minister Seri Abdullah Yusof at the opening of The Cyber Defence & Security Exhibition and Conference (CYDES) 2023 on his behalf, PM Anwar emphasised the need for the government to lead by example in creating a secure and resilient cyber ecosystem.

He further clarified that the unity of the government will not compromise safeguarding Malaysia’s cyber security and cited a report by World Economic Forum's 2023 Global Cybersecurity Outlook that states that 93% of cyber leaders and 86% of cyber business leaders believe that geopolitical instabilities make a catastrophic cyber event likely in the next two years.

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