Content 360 2025 Singapore
marketing interactive

LOOK An entire fake shopping district

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China's northern city of Shenyang has reached a new level of notoriety for a recently discovered strip mall full of fake retail, banking and lifestyle brands.The strip mall behind the Wanda Square in Shenyang is lined with European-style boutique stores, but unlike most European boutiques, every shop is a copy.Everything from CNANEL to PRΛDΛ, even a fake bank Standard Chertered and Starbocks complete the shopping experience.A representative from the Wanda group, which oversees the square, told Xinhua that the fake stores were for "marketing purposes" and were not considered trademark infringements.Even for China, renown for is copycat culture, this is a new low.Check it out:[gallery link="file" ids="31871,31872,31873,31869,31868"]Images from Weibo user shenyangskyscrapers

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