Google HK: What Hongkongers have been searching for online
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With Hongkongers being advised to stay home amid the COVID-19 pandemic, their search habits have changed a lot during this period. Google Hong Kong has unveiled lists of trending topics over the past 90 days with the top searches, including face masks, mobile games, and gratitude towards healthcare staff and first responders
Google Hong Kong’s top trending queries
1. Animal Crossing (動物森友會)
2. Thank you coronavirus helpers (感謝所有防疫人員)
3. Forensic Heroes IV (法證先鋒 4)
4. Popular Google Doodle games (熱門 Google Doodle 遊戲)
5. Mask Factory (口罩工廠)
6. The World of the Married (夫妻的世界)
7. Airport Strikers (機場特警)
8. Itaewon Class (梨泰院Class)
9. Youth with You 2 (青春有你 2)
10. The Hippocratic Crush (On Call 36 小時)
Google Hong Kong’s top trending mask-related queries
1. Mask Factory (口罩工廠)
2. Oxyair Mask
3. JTK
4. CareHK
5. Yellow Factory
6. SPT Mask
7. Hong Kong-made face masks (本土口罩)
8. K Kwong (K Kwong 口罩)
9. CRcare selling masks (華潤堂賣口罩)
10. PrimeHK
In April, more than two million new users from around the globe hosted video conferences through Google Meet every day, spending more than two billion minutes together – more than 3,800 years of meetings per day.
Google Hong Kong’s top trending tutorials
1. Google Meet
2. Zoom
3. PayMe
5. OBS
6. Photoshop
7. Patreon
8. Option (期權)
9. Google Form
10. Google Classroom
Meanwhile, more people chose to bake at home than in previous weeks. According to Google Trends, “flour” and “baking powder” were the top trending keywords in April. Moreover, among the top trending recipes, baking-related recipes took eight spots. However, the internationally popular Dalgona coffee did not make the Hong Kong trends list.
Google Hong Kong’s top trending recipes
1. Castella cake (古早味蛋糕)
2. Egg tart (蛋撻)
3. Rice roll (腸粉)
4. Molten chocolate cake (心太軟)
5. Soufflé (梳乎厘)
6. Cheesecake (芝士蛋糕)
7. Banana cake (香蕉蛋糕)
8. Sausage bun (腸仔包)
9. Muffin (鬆餅)
10. Char siu (叉燒)
Hongkongers also looked for game walkthroughs and tips for popular games as well. They also compared prices of smartphones, as well as games and gadgets before purchasing.
Google Hong Kong’s top trending game walkthroughs
1. Animal Crossing (動物森友會)
2. Final Fantasy VII Remake (最終幻想 VII 補完計劃)
3. Nioh 2 (仁王 2)
4. Food Mover (食物語)
5. Random Dice: PvP Defense (骰子塔防)
6. Persona 5 Royal (女神異聞錄 5 皇家版)
7. Komori Life (小森生活)
8. One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 (海賊無雙 4 )
9. Mobile Game “藍顏清夢”
10. Monster Hunter: World (魔物獵人世界)
Google Hong Kong’s top trending price searches
1. Samsung S20
2. Animal Crossing (動物森友會)
3. Ricky Wong masks (王維基口罩)
4. Switch
5. Huawei P40 (華為 P40)
6. Ring Fit (健身環)
7. PS4
8. Air-conditioner cleaning (洗冷氣)
9. iPhone SE2
10. PS5
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