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Creative OOH buy part of guerrilla marketing stunt for TamJai SamGor's new product

Creative OOH buy part of guerrilla marketing stunt for TamJai SamGor's new product

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TamJai SamGor Mixian (SamGor) has spread the love for its new product via a creative out-of-home ad displayed at the Tsim Sha Tsui MTR station, which has drawn mixed reactions across local social platforms. A check by MARKETING-INTERACTIVE saw on the Facebook page 沙田之友 that many netizens questioned if the boyfriend has pissed his girlfriend off, while some expressed their curiosity in the identity of the couple.

Done in collaboration with creative agency The Bread Digital and PR agency The Bridge Agency, the OOH buy came as part of TamJai SamGor's creative campaign to promote the comeback of its limited-period "spicy broth soup" (三哥水煮湯).

The unbranded print ad was executed based on the Cantonese homophonic puns, a person who called himself “Tong Tong” aka soup (湯湯) used a print ad to confess his feeling of missing towards his “Babe”(衰豬) (a homophonic pun of Spicy Broth Soup), and hoping that she will come back to him soon. Tong Tong's undying love towards Babe resembles the hardcore support of Spicy Broth Soup from TamJai SamGor’s fans. 


In a conversation with MARKETING-INTERACTIVE, Sunny Yeung, group account director at The Bread Digital, said it purposely chose a high-traffic exit at Tsim Sha Tsui station, so the unbranded stunt could reach more people. "The ad was highly circulated on Instagram, Facebook and forums. However, one of the unexpected occurrence was the ad also spread quickly online organically – various KOLs and different media pages circulated the photo as well," he added.

Yeung added that numerous funny comments were made, the stunt news even made it to a popular TV Variety show on the same night, having the society wonder the real identity of "Babe”. After three days, the company announced officially that "Babe" refers to "Spicy Broth Soup”, giving the public a sense of enlightenment.

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After the official announcement, The Bridge Agency has invited Japanese actress Asahina Aya (朝比奈彩), who is known for her presence in Netflix's series Alice in Borderland, to endorse the new soup broth.

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Commenting on the initiative, Maggie Sze, associate marketing director at TamJai SamGor Mixian said, “We are delighted to collaborate with The Bread Digital and The Bridge Agency, our creative and PR partners who skillfully crafted the campaign to build excitement for our product. They created humorous and engaging content that wowed the audience. We had a wonderful time working with a team that loves our brand as much as we do.”

While SamGor entered Singapore and Japan markets in 2020 and 2022 respectively, the brand considered the synergistic effect of brand identity and region when designing marketing strategies to drive the brand's circulation and increase awareness, she said. "As Aya is famous in both Japan and Hong Kong, we hoped to invite her to attend our new product launch event to introduce new products, and allow Japanese customers to know more about the presence of SamGor in Japan, given that rice noodle is a new type of noodles for them,” she added.

Meanwhile, Yeung added, “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to use such a nontraditional way to engage and communicate with our audiences, and we are happy to see that the ad was well-received by the public even after we revealed the brand presence, it proves that our market still have a lot of space for humouristic and unconventional ways for brand communications.”

“There are endless possibilities for creative in advertising nowadays, thank you for the trust of our clients, so we have the opportunity to let our imagination run wild and turn into reality," said Macy Au and Sean Leung, associate creative directors at The Bread Digital.

Photo credit: Instagram @jojo_wu , LIHKG

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