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Consumer Council apologises for misclassification of Nongfu water sample

Consumer Council apologises for misclassification of Nongfu water sample

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Hong Kong’s consumer watchdog has apologised for wrongly classifying Nongfu Spring water as "natural mineral water” and stressed that the company's water products are safe to consume. 

Don't miss: Nongfu Spring demands apology over 'misleading' Consumer Council report

This came after the Consumer Council announced the testing results of 30 water samples on Monday, stating that Nongfu's water had reached the maximum limit of bromate, a byproduct of water disinfection that could lead to side effects when overconsumed, as raised in the EU regulations. 

Nongfu then raised three issues regarding the report in a complaint letter, which is published on its Weibo account, stating there are inaccuracies in the application of standards, errors in judgment of standards, and misleading judgement on the products.   

According to its latest official statement, the Consumer Council said after its meeting with Nongfu’s representatives, the watchdog learned that its water product is neither "natural mineral water" nor "purified water", but rather "drinkable natural water". 

The watchdog said the safety standards adopted by the company for its water products align with the mainland's " The National Food Safety Standards- Hygienic Standards for Potable Water" standard.  

As such, the sample in question will be reclassified as an independent category "drinking natural water" and re-evaluated.  

From a consumer perspective, the taste of this sample is lighter than that of ordinary "natural mineral water" and stronger than that of ordinary "purified water".  

The watchdog also said the detected amount (three micrograms per liter) of bromate from the sample is within the safety range for "drinking water" and is well below the maximum limit, meaning it is safe to drink.  

After re-evaluation, the overall performance of this sample was adjusted from 4.5 stars to five stars.  

In response, Nongfu Spring said on its Weibo account that the watchdog’s clarification has been received and the testing results show that its water products are safe to drink.  

“Nongfu Spring will continue to provide safe and high-quality products and services to the Hong Kong market,” said the statement.  

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