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CASE reveals eCommerce consumer complaints up by 54%

CASE reveals eCommerce consumer complaints up by 54%

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The number of eCommerce complaints have increased by 54% in the first half of 2023 as compared to the same period last year despite an 8% drop in general consumer complaints, according to the Consumers Association of Singapore’s (CASE) mid-year consumer complaints report.

The report revealed that CASE received 1,703 complaints involving online purchases in the first half of 2023 as compared to 1,107 complaints in the first half of 2022.

CASE also added that the growing number of complaints are to be expected due to the increasing popularity of online shopping.

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Among the complaints, common ones include delivery issues, goods that did not conform to contract, as well as misleading and false claims, continued the report.

In response to the increase in eCommerce complaints, CASE will be launching a new CaseTrust accreditation scheme for e-businesses in the coming months which promises to cover a range of eCommerce practices from pre-sale to post-sales and address common online consumer pain points.

The eCommerce industry is not alone in its increase in complaints as the airline industry saw a 39% rise in complaints that included issues with booking systems, double booking and baggage issues. In the report, CASE points out that the rise in complaints shows an increase in consumer demand for flight tickets since most countries have lifted travel restrictions.

Similarly, beauty, renovation contractors, education and gym industries also witnessed a 4% increase in prepayment loses amounting to SG$302,205 which accounted for close to 74% of total losses reported in the first half of the year.

On the other hand, complaints against renovation contractors fell to 631 complaints compared to 807 complaints last year which translates to a 22% decrease. The complaints against renovation contractors include unsatisfactory workmanship and delays in project timelines.

eCommerce platforms also play a part in ensuring consumer complaints are kept low. However, recently, Carousell and Facebook Marketplace were ranked the lowest in six e-commerce platforms for their anti-scam measures that ensure the security of online transactions, according to the Inter-Ministry Committee on Scams (IMCS) in a statement. 

IMCS was reporting the findings from the 2023 E-commerce Marketplace Transaction Safety Ratings (TSR) which is a report published yearly to update the ratings assigned to major e-commerce platforms and the security measures they have in place. The report was first launched in May last year as it was revealed that e-commerce scams are one of the top scam types in Singapore. 

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