7-Eleven champions its dim sum with “Wholehearted, Simple and Tasty” campaign launch
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7-Eleven Hong Kong has launched the first wave of its latest branding campaign. It's kicking things off with a new 7-Signature Dim Sum series, featuring 14 ready-to-eat iconic dim sum products, alongside a Dim Sum Food Truck and a multi-channel advertising campaign to engage with customers. 7-Eleven’s customer research showed that dim sum is one of Hong Kong people’s favourite food categories. The new campaign aims to tackle those extremely relatable - “craving Dim Sum” moments around the clock with ready-to-eat products. The Dim Sum campaign emphasises the theme “Wholehearted, Simple and Tasty”. According to 7-Eleven, the 7-Signature Dim Sum series was launched after over a year of preparation, from intensive research understanding customer needs, a food supplier audit, a product revamp ensuring product quality, and creating a food packaging design with a fresh impression. To kick off the launch, the first-ever 7-Eleven Dim Sum Truck travelled to 13 different districts between 27 March to 3 April, allowing potential customers to get a mouthful of the new dim sum. Trial tastings were introduced with consumer promotions, allowing customers to vote on their favourite dim sum. The company states that during the 8-day event, it engaged over 13,000 customers. In a bid to create further pre-campaign hype, a pre-launch party was also held at the 7-Eleven Dim Sum Food Truck for media and KOLs to have a preview session and dim sum tasting. The newly launched Dim Sum series was showcased and guests were invited to taste and vote for their favourite dim sum. With an aim to engage customers in their daily lives, this month 7-Eleven has also launched a massive 360° multi-channel advertising campaign. The campaign blends outdoor, print, digital, and social media platforms to create an all-around brand experience for customers. Free newspapers with full-page print advertisements and ads on bus exteriors/interiors showcasing dim sum visuals were designed to create awareness of the dim sum launch. To extend customer reach and create excitement for the Dim Sum promotion, the company also rolled out a post-event video of 7-Eleven Dim Sum Truck incorporating customers’ experiences, positive comments, and freebie promotions. A viral video - which generated over 1M views - was also shared featuring the well-known cast of popular local TV show "Come Home Love: Lo and Behold". 7-Eleven stated that the O2O holistic communication campaign has brought positive sales which increased more than 70% for the first week of the launch. This campaign marks the latest in several recent attempts by 7-Eleven Hong Kong to draw attention to its own-brand products, including a recent snack range and improved coffee counter.
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