Neelofa under fire (again) for launching hijab collection at Zouk
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UPDATE: Neelofa has since apologised for the controversy, adding that all cultural and religious sensitivities will be considered for future events, according to the New Straits Times. A quick search by A+M found that her new hijab line "#Be Lofa - Turban" has sold out.Malaysian actress and social media influencer Noor Neelofa Mohd Noor has come under fire again for launching her new Naelofar Hijab collection at the Zouk Malaysia club.A video, which is currently making rounds on social media and has about 963k views, 10k reactions, 8.3k comments and 7k shares on Facebook at the time of writing, shows a few ladies donned in hijabs dancing in a night club with Naelofar Hijab's logo in the background.Netizens voiced their disapproval of her launching something as religious as the hijab, in a night club. Some even said that the lost respect for Neelofa and encouraged others to boycott her brand.According to Berita Harian, Neelofa said she does not care about the negative comments as she knows what she is doing. She added that she listed several places to hold the event, but Zouk was the only place that met her budget.Twitter users have also picked up on the issue, with some stating that she is mocking her own religion for the sake of business and that it was a cheap marketing tactic by Neelofa.You're mocking your own religion for the sake of your business and marketing. That's very low of you @Neelofa. Such act is very disrespectful to other muslim women who actually wear 'hijab'! We demand an apology from u— justmeventing (@hanansha_) February 26, 2018her birthday & her brand. Meaning that her choice to be at zouk. She can say no in the first place. There’s a lot of other places she can launch or celebrate her birthday, tapi tula there is an option for her i guess. So still, she’s in charge of everything.— faramore (@farahRiot) February 27, 2018Zouk tu disko kan? Baguslah tu launch tudung kat sana dia nak suruh pengunjung perempuan menutup aurat kat sana. Inilah melayu tahu nak kecam je bila nak maju hanat!!! #donebekap — Haziq (@mhdhzqqq) February 26, 2018SHAME ON YOU. LAYAK DIBUANG TITLE HAJAH NOOR NEELOFA. jgn jual agama please. tmpt mksiat kot. allahu. btw,bad publisiti also good publisiti. LOFA MMG SUKA ORG BCKP PSL DIA.SHES NEED ATTENTION. ENUF SAID. — arrabella bella (@ArrabellaBella) February 26, 2018Orang macam sedara ni nak kira taksub ke apa ek? Terang2 salah kot. Out of hundreds event places kat msia, dia pilih zouk for what? Controversy leads to publicity lah, and neelofar hijabs get exactly that rn — Firdawushere (@firdausyasin_) February 26, 2018ofcourse..since dlu lg all shes need is attention. jd xkira la bad publisit skali pn aslkn org bckp psl dia..n bisness dia jalan..so ni pn dh kira viral lah ni.sbb org dk kecam2 sbut nm dia..so dh bjln dh marketing dia. WHAT A SHAME.CHEAPMARKETING. — arrabella bella (@ArrabellaBella) February 26, 2018Neelofa works with brands including YES, AirAsia, Lancome and Titan. In a statement to A+M, YES said the issue will not affect its working relationship with Neelofa while AirAsia declined to comment. A+M has also reached out to Lancome and Titan for comment.This is not the first time Neelofa has garnered attention on social media for the wrong reasons. Earlier this month, she was criticised for promoting Chew N’ Glow, a beauty supplement targeted at both adults and infants. Her Instagram Stories post also featured the recommended dosage for infants and children.Following the posting, Neelofa was called out by several medical practitioners on Twitter, who advised her to refrain from promoting health supplements to infants as she is not certified and the supplements may cause unnecessary harm to the infants’ internal organs.Read also:Neelofa-Zouk controversy: A marketing stunt gone too far or just far enough?Neelofa beauty backlash: Should the brand or influencer take the fall?
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