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Meet the CEOs: JWT’s Frank Bauer

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First up in Marketing's newest Meet the CEO series is Frank Bauer, recently appointed CEO of JWT Singapore.Late last year JWT Asia Pacific has appointed Bauer to succeed Angus Fraser as CEO of JWT Singapore following the latter's retirement in January this year.Bauer joined JWT from German ad agency Scholz & Friends Group. Only nine months into the job, Bauer has led the agency to win several heavy weight local clients such as Singapore Tourism Board and Changi Airport Group.Here's a little bit more on the man behind the black and white suit.1. What are you doing when you're not at work?Rock climbing and being a very humble student of Kung Fu. 2. Who is the mentor who has most influenced you and why?Hey, this is the ad business. You don't always have a mentor. Not a real one at least. But I looked out for someone and found Master Yoda."[Luke:] I can't believe it.[Yoda:] That is why you fail."- Yoda3. Harshest thing said to you in your career: "Bauer, you are never going to be an account director." This was told to me by a young and proud managing director quite a few years back at BBDO.  He was one of those falling stars who shine brightly, but burn out fast. He runs a Bed & Breakfast now.4. When you were a newbie in the industry, did you dream you would be CEO one day? What kind of CEO did you want to be and how closely have you stuck to it?No. I always just wanted to be smart, funny, and inventive and find ever new ways to sell chocolate bars.5. Your biggest blunder in your career: In one of my first financial negotiations we mixed up net and gross figures. Since this question is about blunders, you can imagine which way this went.6. Proudest moment in your career:My team, a bunch of BBDO and GoodbySilverstein ad people were kicked out of a meeting room in Silicon Valley after we presented a very innovative way to sell a tech product because "we didn't understand their products and how the Company works".One week later they called us back in, apologised deeply, told us that they (finally) got the idea now and were totally blown away by its potential. It definitely changed the way this company developed products and marketed them. And I'm still proud.7. Craziest thing your staff has told you:"Can you please wear colorful things, like red or green?" (Bauer admits to always wearing black and white.)8. What do you dislike most about advertising/your job?When great ideas don't see the light of the day.9. One thing you would say to a newbie in the industry:"Do or do not; there is no try." - Yoda10. Your first job:Junior marketing manager at BMW's headquarters in Munich.Meet the CEOs is an ongoing series by Marketing Magazine.

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