McDonald's China promotes table service with emotional spot
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The hectic pace of modern life leaves many busy working parents with limited time to spend with their children. This means that every moment they can spare is precious.McDonald’s China understands how parents feel, and has launched a new advertising campaign to encourage moms and dads who bring their kids to McDonald’s to use the new “table service”. This means busy parents don’t have to queue for service so they can enjoy every precious moment with their children.Leo Burnett Shanghai was the lead creative agency behind the campaign, which launched with an emotional 45-second film:[embed]https://youtu.be/DtQDrmYZF-g[/embed]Starting from mid-May, over 1000 McDonald's restaurants in China now offer meal-to-table service. No matter whether customers order at the counter or at the self-ordering kiosks, they can choose to have a brand ambassador deliver their meals directly to their table. Currently, table service prioritises families, to help them enjoy more quality time to together.Takho Lau, executive creative director of Leo Burnett Shanghai said: "Kids always want to spend more time with their parents. In more traditional times, mothers typically spent more time with their kids, and fathers spent more time making a living. In today’s world, however, more and more mothers are also working, which takes time away from their children. This makes the time they can spend together much more precious."The film has been aired on a variety of TV channels in China since 17 May. In one week’s time, it has been watched more than 1.1 million times on the Tencent video platform.CreditsClients: McDonald’s ChinaCampaign: McDonald’s table service campaignAgency: Leo Burnett ShanghaiAccount managementJuuAnn Chan, business directorAlgra Chan, group account directorAmber Wang, account managerCreativeBati Wu, creative directorSiwei Xu, creative group headWicky Wu, art directorMadman Lin, associate art directorChristina Chang, associate art directorMeg Zhang, senior copywriterXue Bai, copywriterPlanningMike Mou, planning directorFarrell Jiang, plannerProduction: Look Film ShanghaiDirector: Johnny Au
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